Between 2017 and 2020 I researched light, time, space and the electromagnetic spectrum and asked several questions. Is the universe an illusion? Are we looking at a sphere? Are there multiple dimensions? What is real or imaginary? Are there different timelines? Does time have a direction? Do we shift to UV and leave the red part? Are bees in a future time frame because they can see UV and not red? Can changing incidence of light cause climate change? Is there more UV in the atmosphere than before? Is UV responsible for chemical reactions that start fires or destroy our corals? Answers to these questions are at least as important as the challenge for humanity to work on a new, more harmonious ecosystem.

From dusk till dawn Led installation simulates day and night and shows a 24 hours animated light between sunrise and sunset on the equator when the sun is perpendicular to the equator. This artwork comes together with a QR code which shows images ( of endemic animal species who lives all in harmony at The Galapagos Islands.

These photos are from and may be shown as an artist's reference

Time-lapse From dusk till dawn Led installation Petra Hart
#0100ff - #ff0001

#0100ff - #ff0001 Led installation simulates extra-spectral colors such as purple, magenta, light pink and purple. These colors do not correspond to any wavelength in the visible spectrum and are located between red and blue between the hexadecimal color codes: #0100ff and #ff0001. This work of art is provided with a QR code that shows (Internet) images of the disturbance around the Pacific ring of fire and the fruit pigeon.

These photos are from a free source Pixabay and may be used as an artist's reference

Time-lapse #0100ff -#ff0001 Led installation Petra Hart

Reality LED installation simulates the electromagnetic spectrum, time, light and space when the sun is exactly perpendicular to the equator. This artwork comes together with a QR code which shows (internet) images about species that see differently than the human eye.

These photos are from a free source Pixabay and may be used as an artist's reference

Time-lapse Reality Led installation Petra Hart

Circadian rhythms LED installation mimics daylight between 2000 - 9000 kelvin. It shows the biological rhythm in a one day cycle. This artwork comes together with a QR code which shows (internet) images of different daily rhythms caused by light.

These photos are from a free source Pixabay and may be used as an artist's reference

Time-lapse Circadian Rhythms Led installation Petra Hart

Different perspectives Led Installation
This light installation consists of four works and is unique; Reality, From dusk till dawn, #0100ff .....

From dusk till dawn L
This light artwork is white diffused acrylic with magenta fluorine colored acrylic on the back. The .....

From dusk till dawn
This light artwork is white diffused acrylic with magenta fluorine colored acrylic on the back. The .....

#0100ff - #ff0001
This light artwork is white diffused acrylic with magenta fluorine colored acrylic on the back. The .....

This light artwork is white diffused acrylic with magenta fluorine colored acrylic on the back. The .....

Circadian rhythms
This light artwork is white diffused acrylic with magenta fluorine colored acrylic on the back. The .....