Petra's works of art often features nature. The earth and her beauty, flowers, the sea, rivers … . For Petra the world is a polar system, just as nature. Everything balances out everything else and so it is neutral again. She is inspired by nature where everything is in its right place. But also through culture, cities and through her own subconscious mind, the hidden center of the mind.
She’s very interested in minuscule life and its structures, uses her microscope or looks through her telescope at the moon and the stars. Over the years she has collected objects from nature. Shells, branches, starfishes, skeletons, butterflies, bird’s nests, insects, stones, minerals, rocks or flowers. Petra collects them all in her studio where the natural phenomena are waiting to be drawn. In her work she shows the preservation of mortality by conserving insects in her work of art .
Petra generally only create positive things, to take the good things from life. To make her viewers look at the world in a different way. For example by creating a skyline with people dancing on the skyscrapers, mountains with cut-out circles, the enlargement of insects or radiolarians. The image alienates. A part does exist and the other one doesn’t.
And that’s what Making Worlds is about.

Beautiful world
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Blossoms on a starfish
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Circle of life
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

City paradise
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Human nature
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Loving nature
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Next lifetime
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Peach tree
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Poppy world
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Shoot the moon
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

The bright world of happiness
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Una musica
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Underwater love
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....

Wonders of life
A work of art from the Making worlds series is drawn purely digitally using vectors, without Photosh.....